The interior of the Duggal Greenhouse, showcasing its 35,000 square feet space with 70 ft ceilings, concrete slab floorin

The Duggal Greenhouse – A Modern Marvel of Event Hosting and Eco-Friendly Innovation

The Duggal Greenhouse is a very special place in Brooklyn, New York. It’s right by the water where the East River is. This big building is where lots of different events happen. It’s in a cool part of Brooklyn, between two neighborhoods called DUMBO and Williamsburg.

Long ago, this place was part of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. That’s a place where they used to build ships. Now, the Greenhouse is a place where people can have big parties, shows, and all sorts of fun events.

What makes the Duggal Greenhouse really neat is that it’s both old and new. When people have events here, they can see the beautiful city buildings across the water. Everyone thinks this place is cool because of how it looks and all the things you can do there.

History and Transformation of Duggal Greenhouse

The initial state of the Duggal Greenhouse as a dilapidated WWII ship facility, highlighting its historical background
The initial state of the Duggal Greenhouse as a dilapidated WWII ship facility, highlighting its historical background

A long time ago, the Duggal Greenhouse wasn’t a place for events. It was actually a big building used during World War II. Back then, people built ships there. But over time, it got old and wasn’t used much. It was falling apart and looked really old and forgotten.

In 2009, something exciting happened. A company called Duggal Visual Solutions decided to change this old building. They worked really hard to fix it.

“Modern” means it looks new and cool, and it’s a place where you can do lots of different things. Now, it’s not just an old building. It’s a big, open space that people can decorate and use in their way.

The Greenhouse became a place where you can have fashion shows, big meetings, parties, and lots of other events. It’s like a big, empty room that you can fill with whatever you want for your event. This change was really big. It took a place that was old and used little and turned it into a really popular spot for all kinds of fun and important events.

Physical Description and Features

The interior of the Duggal Greenhouse, showcasing its 35,000 square feet space with 70 ft ceilings, concrete slab floorin
The interior of the Duggal Greenhouse, showcasing its 35,000 square feet space with 70 ft ceilings, concrete slab floorin

The Duggal Greenhouse is huge! It’s 35,000 square feet. That’s like a big field! The ceilings are really high, about 70 feet up. That’s as tall as a very tall tree! Inside, the floor is made of strong concrete, kind of like the sidewalks, but all over.

There’s a special part where trucks can drive right in to bring things for events. That’s super helpful for setting up big parties or shows. Plus, there are private offices where people can work and plan things. The Greenhouse has all the power needed for big events and even WiFi so that people can use the internet there.

The design of the Greenhouse is really cool. It’s modern, which means it looks new and stylish. But it still keeps the old, special look it had from a long time ago. That’s what makes it unique.

One of the best parts is the massive windows. They are huge and look out over the East River. Imagine looking out of a big window and seeing the river and the city! There’s also a special outdoor area right by the water.

From there, you can see the tall buildings of Manhattan. The Duggal Greenhouse is not just big but also pretty and full of neat features!

Event Space Utilization

Event setup inside the Duggal Greenhouse, illustrating its capacity to host different types of events such as fashion shows
Event setup inside the Duggal Greenhouse, illustrating its capacity to host different types of events such as fashion shows

The Duggal Greenhouse is perfect for lots of people to come to events. When everyone is standing, up to 3,000 people can fit in there! If they set up chairs like in a movie theater, then 1,400 people can sit and watch something on a stage. And if there are tables for people to sit around, about 1,200 people can come. That’s a lot of friends and family!

Types of Events

The Duggal Greenhouse is a place where all kinds of cool and exciting events happen. Let’s talk about some of them:

  1. Auto Shows: This is like a big car party! People come to see all sorts of cars, from shiny new ones to cool old ones. It’s like a car museum but for all kinds of cars.
  2. Fashion Shows: Imagine models walking down a long stage, showing off the latest clothes and styles. It’s like a big, live fashion magazine, with lights, music, and lots of people watching.
  3. Product Launches: Companies come to the Greenhouse to show everyone their new stuff.
  4. Technology Reveals: This is where the newest gadgets and tech stuff are shown for the first time. It’s like seeing into the future of technology. People come to see and learn about new inventions and cool gadgets.
  5. Film Premiers: This is super exciting. It’s the first time a new movie has been shown. Sometimes, the actors from the movie come too. It’s like a big movie party with a red carpet and everything.
  6. More Events: But that’s not all. There are also big meetings, art shows, music concerts, and even weddings. Every event is different. Some are quiet and serious, and some are loud and fun. The Greenhouse can turn into anything people need it to be for their event.


The Duggal Greenhouse is really special because it’s like a blank canvas. That means it’s a big space that can be turned into anything for an event. Here’s how it works:

  1. Transforming the Space: Just like when you draw or paint on a blank piece of paper, people can decorate the Greenhouse to look like whatever they imagine. They can change the lights, put up different decorations, and even change how it feels inside. It’s like making a new place every time.
  2. Themes and Designs: Let’s say someone wants to have a party that feels like you’re in a jungle, or maybe they want it to look like a space station.
  3. Adapting for Different Events: Depending on what the event is, the Greenhouse can change a lot. For a fashion show, there might be a long runway and lots of lights. For a car show, they can bring in cars and set them up so people can walk around and see them. Every event can have its special setup.
  4. Making It Personal: If it’s a wedding or a birthday party, the people having it can make it look just how they want. They can choose their favorite colors, lights, and even how the tables are set up. It’s like making the Greenhouse their own for a day.
  5. Using Technology: Sometimes, events use big screens, special lights, or sounds to make the experience even better. The Greenhouse is set up so people can use all kinds of technology to make their event really stand out.
  6. Flexibility: The best part about the Greenhouse is that it’s flexible. That means no matter what someone’s dream event is, the Greenhouse can make it happen.

Access and Logistics

The Duggal Greenhouse's transportation accessibility, showing its proximity to A C or F train stations and public ferry
The Duggal Greenhouse’s transportation accessibility, showing its proximity to A C or F train stations and public ferry

The Duggal Greenhouse is not only cool for events but also easy to get to and great for all kinds of parties, big or small.

Getting There

  • Trains: You can take the A/C or F trains to get near the Greenhouse. Then, it’s just a short walk to get there.
  • Ferry: There’s also a ferry boat that goes right to the Navy Yard. It’s fun because you get to ride on the water and then arrive at the event!

Events of All Sizes

  • The Greenhouse loves all kinds of events, big ones with lots of people or small ones with just a few.
  • It’s a friendly place for any event, whether it’s a huge show or a small gathering.
  • This means anyone planning something special, no matter how big or small, can think about having it at the Greenhouse.

Making the Event Perfect

  • The Greenhouse is like a big open space that you can fill with your ideas. But to make it really special, it’s a good idea to have people who know how to set up events to help out.
  • These are professionals who know how to make the lights, sounds, and decorations perfect for whatever event is happening.
  • They can help turn the Greenhouse into exactly what you imagine for your event, like magic! They know how to use the space really well and make everything run smoothly.

So, whether you’re coming by train ferry or planning a big or small event, the Duggal Greenhouse is ready and can be turned into the perfect place for any gathering. And with a team of experts, they can make sure everything goes just right!

Vendor and Union Policies

The role of Duggal Visual Solutions at the Duggal Greenhouse, highlighting their specialization in producing compelling visual
The role of Duggal Visual Solutions at the Duggal Greenhouse, highlighting their specialization in producing compelling visual

When you have an event at the Duggal Greenhouse, there are some important rules about the people and companies you can work with.

Union and Non-Union Teams

  • The Greenhouse is cool with both union and non-union teams.
  • This means you can choose different kinds of workers to help with your event.
  • Union workers are part of special groups that make sure they get fair pay and good working conditions. Non-union workers aren’t in these groups, but they can be really good at their jobs, too.
  • So, you have lots of choices for who can help make your event great.

Mandatory Vendor: Duggal Visual Solutions

  • For things like signs, pictures, and ways to show people where to go at the event, you have to work with a company called Duggal Visual Solutions.
  • They’re really good at making graphics and signs that make your event look awesome.
  • They know the Greenhouse really well, so they can help make everything look just right.

Preferred Vendors

  • The Greenhouse also has a list of other companies they like to work with. These are called preferred vendors.
  • These vendors are experts in making events at the Greenhouse amazing.
  • They know how to do all kinds of things, like setting up lights, making good food, and lots more.
  • You don’t have to use them, but they’re recommended because they know how to work well in the Greenhouse.

So, when planning your event at the Greenhouse, you have a lot of options for who can help you. You can pick teams that fit what you need, and some special companies are really good at working in this cool place. They all help make sure your event is just how you want it!

Environmental and Technological Aspects

The Duggal Greenhouse's commitment to environmental sustainability, highlighting its green certifications and technologic
The Duggal Greenhouse’s commitment to environmental sustainability, highlighting its green certifications and technologic

The Duggal Greenhouse is not just about having fun events; it’s also about caring for the environment and using cool technology.

Green Certifications

  • The Greenhouse is part of the printing industry, which means they make a lot of printed stuff like signs and banners.
  • They’ve got awards for being green.
  • These awards show that they’re really mindful about not harming the environment.

Technology and Customization

  • When you have an event at the Greenhouse, you can use all sorts of high-tech decorations.
  • They have big vinyls, which are like huge stickers, digital signs that can change what they show, and custom banners.
  • You can also get graphics made just for your event. This means if you want a special picture or design, they can make it just for you.
  • This technology makes it possible to turn the Greenhouse into anything you can imagine.

Duggal Visual Solutions’ Role

Duggal Visual Solutions is a part of what makes the Duggal Greenhouse special.

Making Visual Magic

  • They specialize in creating amazing visual experiences.
  • Their job is to transform places like the Greenhouse into something out of a dream. They can make it look like a different world for each event.

Big Projects, Big Impact

  • Duggal Visual Solutions can handle really big projects.
  • They’re also experts in making multimedia stuff.
  • Their work includes big exhibitions and shows that lots of people come to see.

Additional Resources

  1. Duggal Greenhouse’s Own Website: Visit their website to learn more about the cool events and how to have your party there.

  2. Story of Brooklyn Navy Yard: Read about the Brooklyn Navy Yard’s history. That’s where the Greenhouse is!

  3. Learning About Green Buildings: Find out how buildings can be good for our planet. The Greenhouse does this too!

  4. Planning Fun Events: Look at guides that help you plan big parties or shows.

  5. New York City Fun Places: Check websites about New York City to find other fun places near the Greenhouse.

About the author

Seasoned expert with a dedicated interest in greenhouses and sustainable gardening practices. With an extensive background in the greenhouse industry, they have been instrumental in innovating and sharing knowledge on winter gardening and year-round cultivation. Through rigorous experimentation and hands-on experience in greenhouse management, GreenHouseAndCompany has mastered the art of growing a diverse range of plants in varying climatic conditions. Their expertise extends to greenhouse design, construction, and ensuring optimal plant growth through the implementation of sustainable practices.