Greenhouse windows for kitchen A modern kitchen with a professionally installed greenhouse window, showing a perfect fit and finish

Best Small Greenhouse Windows for Kitchen – 3 Benefits

Have you ever heard of small greenhouse windows for kitchen? They are windows that work like a mini greenhouse in your kitchen. They stick out from the wall and have glass on the sides and top.

You can see your garden of herbs, flowers, or small veggies right from inside your house. It’s like bringing a bit of the outside world into your home!

You may live in an apartment or a place with a small yard. With a greenhouse window, you can still grow your plants.

So, greenhouse windows are for more than just making your kitchen look nice. They help you grow your little garden right in your home. It’s a way to get into gardening and add some green to your kitchen. Plus, it’s really nice to look at your plants while you’re cooking or having a cup of coffee!

Greenhouse windows for kitchen A bright and modern kitchen with a large greenhouse window above the sink, filled with a variety of herbs and small plants
Greenhouse windows for kitchen A bright and modern kitchen with a large greenhouse window above the sink, filled with a variety of herbs and small plants

Benefits of Greenhouse Windows for Kitchen

Bright Light and Saving Energy

Greenhouse windows for kitchen are great for letting in lots of sunlight. They stick out a bit and catch light from different sides. When the sun lights up your kitchen, you don’t need to turn on your lamps as much.

Gardening All Year

Another cool thing about these windows is you can grow plants and herbs any time of the year.

Even when it’s cold and snowy outside, you can still grow your plants in your kitchen. Think about picking your fresh herbs right when you’re cooking! Your kitchen turns into a little garden, and you can enjoy fresh greens anytime.

Making Your Kitchen Look Nice

These windows also make your kitchen look really nice. Your kitchen becomes a special place with lots of green plants. It’s not just for cooking anymore, but also a cozy spot to hang out. Plants make us feel happy and calm, so your kitchen becomes a happy place, too.

So, greenhouse windows do a lot of good things. They save energy, let your garden all the time, and make your kitchen look pretty.

Types of Greenhouse Windows

Greenhouse windows for kitchen A kitchen scene highlighting the shelving and storage options in a greenhouse window
Greenhouse windows for kitchen A kitchen scene highlighting the shelving and storage options in a greenhouse window

Vinyl Garden Windows

First, let’s talk about vinyl garden windows. These are special windows made of a material called vinyl. They are really good for a few reasons.

Vinyl windows keep your kitchen warm in winter and cool in summer. This is because they are good at insulating, which means they keep the outside weather from affecting your kitchen’s temperature.

Greenhouse windows for kitchen A close up view of a vinyl garden window in a kitchen, showing its sturdy frame and clear glass
Greenhouse windows for kitchen A close up view of a vinyl garden window in a kitchen, showing its sturdy frame and clear glass


Another great thing about vinyl windows is they don’t need much cleaning or fixing. They are strong and last a long time without getting damaged. This makes them a super choice for busy people who love gardening but don’t have lots of time for extra chores.

Customizable Options

Greenhouse windows for kitchen A bright and modern kitchen with a large greenhouse window above the sink, filled with a variety of herbs and small plants
Greenhouse windows for kitchen A bright and modern kitchen with a large greenhouse window above the sink, filled with a variety of herbs and small plants

Now, let’s talk about how you can make these windows your own. You can choose what they look like to match your kitchen. You may like bright colors, or you like something that blends in.

And there’s more! You can add pretty designs to these windows. Some have special patterns or shapes on them. This makes your kitchen look even more special.

Installation and Placement of Greenhouse Windows

Ideal Locations

When you’re thinking about where to put your greenhouse window, there are a couple of really good spots in your kitchen. One great place is right above your kitchen sink. Why? Because it’s easy to water your plants there, and you can enjoy the view while washing dishes. Plus, there’s usually plenty of light in that spot.

Another good place for a greenhouse window is in your breakfast nook. Imagine having breakfast every morning surrounded by green plants and sunlight.

Greenhouse windows for kitchen A cozy breakfast nook in a kitchen with a greenhouse window. The window is filled with lush green plants and flowers
Greenhouse windows for kitchen A cozy breakfast nook in a kitchen with a greenhouse window. The window is filled with lush green plants and flowers

Professional Installation vs. DIY

Now, let’s talk about putting in these windows. You have two choices: getting a professional to do it or doing it yourself (that’s called DIY).

If you choose professional installation, someone who knows all about windows will come and install it for you. They’ll make sure it fits perfectly and looks great. This is a good choice if you want everything to be just right and don’t mind spending a bit more money.

But if you’re on a budget, you can try DIY. This means you install the window yourself.

Enhancing Greenhouse Windows

Shelving and Storage

One of the best things about greenhouse windows is that you can add shelves. These shelves are not just for putting plants on. You can also store your gardening tools, like small watering cans and pruning shears, right there. This is because everything you need to take care of your plants is in one place.

You can arrange the shelves at different heights to fit plants of all sizes. Maybe you have a tall plant that needs more space – no problem! Just adjust the shelves.

Ventilation and Temperature Control

Now, let’s talk about keeping the air moving and the temperature just right in your greenhouse window.

Ventilation means letting fresh air come in and out. Some greenhouse windows for kitchen come with little openings or vents that you can open or close. This lets you control how much air gets in.

Temperature control is also key. You want it to be cool for your plants. The good news is many greenhouse windows are designed to help keep a steady temperature. This is especially helpful if you live in a place where the weather changes a lot.

Maintenance and Care of Greenhouse Windows

Cleaning and Upkeep

Keeping your greenhouse windows clean is important. Here are some easy tips for cleaning and taking care of them:

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean the glass on your greenhouse windows often. Use a soft cloth and some window cleaner.
  • Frame Care: If your window frames are made of vinyl or wood, wipe them down too.
  • Check for Drafts: Now and then, check around the windows to make sure there are no drafts. If there’s cold air coming in, it could not be good for your plants. You might need to add some sealant to keep the warm air in and the cold air out.
  • Watch for Condensation: If you see a lot of water on the windows, it might be too humid inside. You can open a vent a little to let some air in. This helps keep the right balance of humidity for your plants.

Protective Measures

To protect your greenhouse windows and make them even better for your plants, you can use special films and sprays. Here’s how they help:

  • UV Protection Films: These films stick onto your windows and block some of the sun’s harsh rays. It also helps keep your kitchen cooler in the summer.
  • Temperature Control Sprays: Some sprays can be used on your windows to help control the temperature. They make sure it’s not too hot or too cold for your plants. Plus, they can help keep your windows clean by stopping dust and dirt from sticking.
  • Regular Reapplication: If you use sprays, remember to reapply them every few weeks to keep them working well.

This way, your windows stay clear, and your plants stay happy and healthy. Plus, your kitchen will look great with clean, shiny windows!

Conclusion: Greenhouse Windows are Great for Kitchens!

Greenhouse windows for kitchen are let in so much sun! This makes your kitchen bright and saves power. You can grow plants and herbs in your kitchen all year, even when it’s very cold outside. These windows make your kitchen look super nice, too.

You can pick different types, like strong vinyl ones. You can even make them look just right for your kitchen. You can get someone to put them in, or you can do it yourself. These windows are a really good thing for any kitchen. ​ Just clean them sometimes and use special sprays or films to keep them nice.

Now, think about your kitchen. Imagine a place in your kitchen with lots of sunlight. You could grow your herbs or flowers there. Wouldn’t it be nice to pick your herbs for cooking? Or to see pretty flowers while you have your morning coffee? If you like this idea, you should get a greenhouse window for your kitchen. It’s a small change, but it can make your kitchen so much happier and full of green.

About the author

Seasoned expert with a dedicated interest in greenhouses and sustainable gardening practices. With an extensive background in the greenhouse industry, they have been instrumental in innovating and sharing knowledge on winter gardening and year-round cultivation. Through rigorous experimentation and hands-on experience in greenhouse management, GreenHouseAndCompany has mastered the art of growing a diverse range of plants in varying climatic conditions. Their expertise extends to greenhouse design, construction, and ensuring optimal plant growth through the implementation of sustainable practices.