How to Make Cheap Greenhouse Shelves

10 Creative and Cheap Greenhouse Shelves Ideas

Cheap greenhouse shelves ideas! Shelves are a must-have in any greenhouse. They give you more room for your plants and tools. But what if you are on a tight budget? Don’t worry! This article will direct you on how to get or make shelves without spending a lot of money.

If you love gardening but need more money, greenhouse shelves ideas are for you. You can save money for other things like seeds, tools, or even more plants! Cheap sometimes means good. With the right ideas, you can have great shelves without breaking the bank.

Stay tuned to learn some awesome and budget-friendly shelving ideas for your greenhouse!

Contents show

What Are Greenhouse Shelves?

They are like the furniture in your greenhouse. They hold your plants, tools, and other stuff you require for gardening. You can create them from wood, metal, or plastic.

Basic Concept

These shelves help you use all the areas in your greenhouse. You can place more plants and tools on them. It completes your greenhouse neat and assists you in finding something faster.

Why Are They Important?

  1. More Space: It lets you use all the space in your greenhouse. It is really good if your conservatory is small.
  2. Stay Organized: It keeps your plants and tools in order. You can find what you need quickly.
  3. Easy to Reach: You can easily bring all your plants and tools. It makes gardening easier and faster.

What to Use for Greenhouse Shelves

What to Use for Greenhouse Shelves
What to Use for Greenhouse Shelves

Here are different materials you can use, and weigh the pros and cons of each.

Different Materials


  • Pros: Natural look, easy to work with, renewable.
  • Cons: Can rot if not treated, may attract pests.


  • Pros: Durable, strong, and resistant to pests.
  • Cons: It can rust and may get too hot in the sun.


  • Pros: Lightweight, resistant to rot and rust, affordable.
  • Cons: It may be less durable and can become brittle over time.

Wire Mesh

  • Pros: Good airflow, lightweight, easy to clean.
  • Cons: May rust, less aesthetic appeal.

Concrete Blocks

  • Pros: Extremely durable, can be used for heavy items.
  • Cons: Heavy, not easily movable, can retain heat.

PVC Pipes

  • Pros: Lightweight, easy to assemble, resistant to rot and rust.
  • Cons: It may not be suitable for heavy items and can become brittle.

Glass or Acrylic

  • Pros: Aesthetic appeal, easy to clean, allows light to pass through.
  • Cons: Fragile, can be expensive, may require special mounting.

10 Creative and Cheap Greenhouse Shelves Ideas

Creative and Cheap Greenhouse Shelves Ideas
Creative and Cheap Greenhouse Shelves Ideas

Pallet Shelves

Use old wooden pallets to create rustic shelves. Clean them up, add some paint, and you’ve got a cheap but stylish shelf.

Cinder Block and Wood Planks

Stack cinder blocks and slide wooden planks through the holes. It’s sturdy and gives an industrial look.

Hanging Rope Shelves

Use strong ropes and wooden boards to create hanging shelves. They’re great for small plants and add a touch of boho style.

Ladder Shelves

An old ladder can be turned sideways and leaned against a wall to act as a unique shelf. Each step becomes a spot for a plant.

Wire Racks

Wire racks are cheap and easy to find. They’re also lightweight and easy to move around.

PVC Pipe Shelves

Use PVC pipes to build a custom shelf. They’re durable and can be painted any color you like.

Floating Shelves

Install floating shelves on the walls to create a clean, modern look. They’re great for small spaces.

Crate Shelves

Wooden crates can be stacked or hung on the wall to serve as shelves. They add a rustic touch.

Rain Gutter Shelves

Rain gutters can be attached to the wall to hold small potted plants.

Old Bookshelf

Repurpose an old bookshelf by painting it and adding some extra boards for more shelf space.

How to Make Cheap Greenhouse Shelves: Easy Steps

How to Make Cheap Greenhouse Shelves
How to Make Cheap Greenhouse Shelves

Are you looking to add shelves to your greenhouse without breaking the bank? You’re in the right place! This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of creating budget-friendly greenhouse shelves.

What You Need

  • Wooden boards or plywood
  • Screws and nails
  • Wall brackets
  • Measuring tape
  • Drill
  • Hand saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Paint or wood stain (if you want)

Step 1: Measure the Area

First, use your measuring tape to find out how big the shelves should be. Write down the length, width, and height.

Step 2: Cut the Boards

Next, cut your wooden boards or plywood based on what you measured. It’s a good idea to cut a little extra.

Step 3: Make It Smooth

Use sandpaper to make the edges of the wood smooth. This way, you won’t get splinters.

Step 4: Add Color (If You Want)

If you want your shelves to be a certain color, now’s the time to paint them. Make sure to let them dry all the way.

Step 5: Put Up Brackets

Use your drill to put wall brackets where you want the shelves to go. Make sure they’re straight and lined up.

Step 6: Put the Shelves On

Now, put your wooden boards or plywood on the brackets. Use screws to make sure they stay in place.

Step 7: Test Them Out

Put some light things on the shelves to make sure they’re strong. If they shake, you might need to tighten the screws.

Step 8: Put Your Stuff On

Last step! Now that your shelves are up and strong, you can put your plants and tools on them.

Indoor Greenhouse Shelves


  1. Space-Saving: Ideal for people who only have a little outdoor space.
  2. Climate Control: Easier to control temperature and humidity indoors.
  3. Accessibility: Easy to access anytime, regardless of weather conditions.


  1. Limited Space: It may offer less space than an outdoor greenhouse.
  2. Ventilation: Indoor spaces may lack proper airflow, requiring additional ventilation solutions.

Tips for Setting Them Up:

  1. Measure Space: Always measure the available space before buying or building shelves.
  2. Material: Choose moisture-resistant materials, like coated metal or treated wood.
  3. Lighting: Make sure the shelves are positioned to receive adequate natural light or install grow lights.

Best DIY Greenhouse Shelves

Best DIY Greenhouse Shelves
Best DIY Greenhouse Shelves
  1. Pallet Shelves: Easy to assemble and disassemble, and you can often get pallets for free.
  2. Cinder Block and Wood Planks: A sturdy and cheap solution that also offers flexibility in size.
  3. PVC Pipe Shelves: Lightweight, easy to clean, and can be customized to fit any space.

Inexpensive Greenhouse Shelving

Tips for Finding and Creating Cheap Shelves:

  1. Repurpose: Look for items you already have that can be turned into shelves, like old ladders or bookshelves.
  2. Buy Secondhand: Check out thrift stores or online marketplaces for used shelves that you can repurpose.
  3. DIY: Building your shelves from scrap materials can be both rewarding and cost-effective.

Heavy-Duty Greenhouse Shelves

When and Why You Might Need Heavy-Duty Options:

  1. Large Plants: If you’re growing larger plants that require more support.
  2. Heavy Tools: For storing heavy gardening tools and supplies.
  3. Long-Term Use: If you’re looking for durability and long-lasting options.

Affordable Heavy-Duty Solutions:

  1. Industrial Shelving Units: Often sold at hardware stores and can bear a lot of weight.
  2. Reinforced Wooden Shelves: Adding extra brackets or supports can make wooden shelves more heavy-duty.

Metal Greenhouse Shelves


  1. Durability: Metal shelves are often more durable and can handle more weight.
  2. Resistance: They are less likely to rot or deteriorate over time.


  1. Cost: Generally more expensive than other materials.
  2. Temperature: Metal can get very hot or cold, which might affect plant growth.

How to Find Affordable Metal Options:

  1. Bulk Purchase: Sometimes, buying in bulk can save money.
  2. Sales and Discounts: Keep an eye out for sales at hardware stores or online.

Wood Greenhouse Shelves


  1. Aesthetics: Often more visually pleasing and can match other wooden structures.
  2. Customization: Easier to customize size and design.


  1. Maintenance: Requires regular treatment to prevent rot.
  2. Weight Limit: Generally can’t hold as much weight as metal shelves.

How to Find or Make Affordable Wooden Options:

  1. Reclaimed Wood: Look for reclaimed wood that can be repurposed into shelves.
  2. DIY: Building your shelves allows you to control the cost and materials used.

Greenhouse Shelves DIY

Tips and Tricks for DIY Greenhouse Shelving Projects:

  1. Plan Ahead: Before you start, make a list of what you’ll be storing on the shelves to determine your size and strength needs.
  2. Material Matters: Choose your material wisely. Wood is easier to work with but may require treatment, while metal is more durable but harder to customize.
  3. Level It Out: Always use a level when installing your shelves to ensure they’re straight.
  4. Spacing: Consider adjustable shelves for different plant heights.
  5. Safety First: Always wear safety gear like gloves and goggles when cutting or drilling.

Summary of the Importance of Choosing the Right Shelving for Your Greenhouse:

Choosing the right shelving is crucial for maximizing space, keeping your plants and tools organized, and making your gardening more efficient. Whether you go for heavy-duty, metal, or wooden shelves, make sure they fit your specific needs.

FAQs About Greenhouse Shelving

What is the best material for greenhouse shelves?

The best material depends on your needs. Wood is versatile and easy to work with but may require treatment against rot. Metal is durable but can be expensive and less customizable.

Can I use old furniture as greenhouse shelves?

Yes, you can use old bookshelves or tables to hold your plants.

How do I decide the size of my greenhouse shelves?

Consider the size of the plants you’ll be growing and the tools you’ll be storing. Measure your available space and plan accordingly.

Are adjustable shelves a good idea?

Yes, shelves that move are good. You can change them for tall or short plants.

How do I make my greenhouse shelves?

You need wood or metal, screws, and holders. Cut the wood or metal and screw it to the wall.

Do I need special tools to install greenhouse shelves?

You need a tape to measure, a drill, screws, and a tool to see if it’s straight.

Can I use plastic shelves in my greenhouse?

You can, but they might need to hold heavy things better.

What are some creative shelving ideas for small greenhouses?

You can hang shelves from the roof or use steps to put more plants.

How do I maintain my greenhouse shelves?

Check them to see if they are loose. Tighten screws and clean off dirt.

Are there any safety tips for installing greenhouse shelves?

Wear safe clothes. Make sure the shelves are tight on the wall. Put some things on them to test if they are strong.

About the author

Seasoned expert with a dedicated interest in greenhouses and sustainable gardening practices. With an extensive background in the greenhouse industry, they have been instrumental in innovating and sharing knowledge on winter gardening and year-round cultivation. Through rigorous experimentation and hands-on experience in greenhouse management, GreenHouseAndCompany has mastered the art of growing a diverse range of plants in varying climatic conditions. Their expertise extends to greenhouse design, construction, and ensuring optimal plant growth through the implementation of sustainable practices.