cedar greenhouse

Cedar Greenhouse: The Best Guide for Garden Lovers

A cedar greenhouse is a special kind of greenhouse made from cedar wood. It’s a place where you can grow plants, flowers, and even some foods all year round!

The material you pick for your greenhouse is super important. Cedar wood is great because it lasts a long time and smells nice, too. It’s also good at keeping bugs away from your plants.

So, if you love plants and want to grow them in the best place possible, keep reading to learn all about cedar greenhouses!

Contents show

Cedar Greenhouse: Definition and Basic Concept

cedar greenhouse
cedar greenhouse

Cedar Greenhouse is a special place where you can grow plants. It’s like a little house made mostly of glass or clear plastic. But what makes it special is that it’s made from cedar wood. Cedar is a type of wood that smells really good and lasts a long time.

How It Differs from Other Types of Greenhouses

You might be wondering, “Why should I care if it’s made of cedar? Aren’t all greenhouses the same?” Well, not really! Here’s how a cedar greenhouse is different from other types:


First, cedar wood smells amazing! When you walk into a cedar greenhouse, you’ll notice a nice, natural scent.

Bugs Don’t Like It

Bugs are not fans of cedar. The wood has natural oils that keep away insects. So you won’t have to worry much about bugs bothering your plants.

It’s Strong

Cedarwood is very strong. It can handle all kinds of weather. Whether it’s super sunny, rainy, or snowy, a cedar greenhouse can take it.

Looks Great

Cedarwood has a rich color that looks really nice. Over time, it changes to a cool silver-gray color. Either way, it adds beauty to your garden.

Good for the Planet

Cedar trees grow pretty fast, which is good for the planet. When you choose a cedar greenhouse, you’re making an eco-friendly choice.

So, a Cedar Greenhouse is not just any greenhouse. It’s strong, it smells good, and it’s better for the planet. Plus, it looks great in your garden!

Why Use Cedar in a Greenhouse?

When it comes to building a greenhouse, the materials you choose can make a big difference. Cedar is a top pick for many gardeners, and for good reason. Let’s explore why cedar is such a great choice for greenhouses.

Natural Pest Resistance

One of the best things about cedar is its natural resistance to pests. You won’t have to worry as much about termites or other wood-boring insects damaging your greenhouse.


Cedar is also resistant to rot, which is a big plus in a humid environment like a greenhouse. It means less maintenance and a longer-lasting structure.

Aesthetic Appeal

Cedar is not just functional; it’s also beautiful. The rich, warm color of cedar wood can make your greenhouse not just a place to grow plants but also a focal point in your garden.

Insulation Properties

Cedar has good natural insulation properties. It helps to keep the temperature inside the greenhouse stable, which is crucial for plant growth.


Cedar is a renewable resource, and many cedar woods are sourced from sustainable forests. It makes it an eco-friendly option for those looking to reduce their environmental impact.


While cedar can be more expensive upfront compared to other materials like aluminum, its durability, and low maintenance can make it more cost-effective in the long run.

What are the Disadvantages of Cedar?

While cedar greenhouses have many great features, there are some things you should know that could be better. Let’s talk about those.


First, cedar wood can be more expensive than other types of wood. If you’re on a tight budget, this might be a problem. But remember, you’re paying for quality!

Needs Some Care

Cedar is strong, but it still needs some love. You’ll need to treat the wood every few years to keep it looking its best.


Cedar wood is solid, which means it’s also heavy. If you’re building the greenhouse yourself, you might need some help lifting the pieces.

Can Gray Over Time

Some people love the silver-gray color cedar turns over time. But if you want to keep the rich, original color, you’ll need to treat it with a special finish.

Not Good for All Plants

Cedar wood has natural oils that most bugs don’t like. But some plants might not like it either. Always check if your plants are okay with cedar.

Is Cedar Good for a Greenhouse?

So, is cedar really a good choice for a greenhouse? The answer is yes, for many reasons! Let’s dive into why cedar is a top pick and how it compares to other materials.

Natural Resistance

First off, cedar wood is naturally resistant to rot and insects. That means your greenhouse will last a long time without getting damaged by bugs or going bad.


Cedar wood is also a good insulator. It keeps the heat in during winter and keeps things cool in the summer. That’s great for your plants!

Aesthetic Appeal

Let’s remember cedar wood looks amazing! It has a rich color and a lovely smell that many people adore. Your greenhouse won’t just be useful; it’ll also be beautiful.


Cedar is a renewable resource, which means it’s a good choice for the planet. Plus, its natural resistance means you won’t have to use chemical treatments that can harm the environment.

Comparison with Other Materials

Now, how does cedar stack up against other materials like metal or plastic? Well, metal can rust and doesn’t insulate well. Plastic might only last for a short time and can get damaged by the sun. Cedar, on the other hand, doesn’t have these problems.

How Long Will a Cedar Greenhouse Last?

If you’re investing time and money into a greenhouse, you’ll want to know how long it’s going to last. Good news! A cedar greenhouse is built to stand the test of time. Let’s talk about its durability and how you can make it last even longer.

Built to Last

Cedar is known for its natural resistance to rot and pests. It means that a well-built cedar greenhouse can last for many years, sometimes even decades!

Weather Resistance

Cedar wood also stands up well to all kinds of weather. Whether it’s hot, cold, rainy, or snowy, your cedar greenhouse is built to withstand the elements.

Maintenance Tips

Even though cedar is durable, a little care can go a long way in extending its life. Here are some tips:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Keep the inside and outside of your greenhouse clean. It helps to prevent mold and pests.
  2. Sealant: While cedar is naturally resistant to rot, applying a sealant every few years can provide extra protection.
  3. Check for Damage: After extreme weather, check for any damage and repair it as soon as possible to prevent further issues.
  4. Ventilation: Make sure your greenhouse is well-ventilated to prevent excess moisture, which could lead to rot.

What is the Best Wood for a Greenhouse?

When it comes to building a greenhouse, the type of wood you choose can have a big impact on how well the structure performs. While cedar is a popular choice, there are other types of wood to consider as well. Let’s compare cedar with some other options and look at the factors you should think about when choosing wood for your greenhouse.


As we’ve discussed, cedar is a top choice for many reasons, including its natural resistance to pests and rot. It’s also beautiful and offers good insulation.


Pine is another option that’s often less expensive than cedar. However, it’s less resistant to rot or pests, so it may require more maintenance, like regular painting or staining.


Redwood is a premium choice that’s even more resistant to rot and pests than cedar. However, it’s also the most expensive option.

Pressure-Treated Wood

Pressure-treated wood is less expensive and resistant to rot and pests. However, some people prefer not to use it for organic gardening due to the chemicals used in the treatment process.

Factors to Consider

  1. Durability: How long do you want your greenhouse to last? Woods like cedar and redwood are more durable but also more expensive.
  2. Maintenance: Are you willing to paint or stain the wood regularly? Some woods require more upkeep.
  3. Cost: What’s your budget? While cedar and redwood are excellent choices, they are also more expensive.
  4. Eco-Friendliness: If sustainability is important to you, consider woods that are sourced from sustainable forests.
  5. Aesthetic: Do you have a particular look you’re going for? The natural color and grain of the wood can affect the overall appearance of your greenhouse.

Is it Safe to Grow Vegetables in Cedar?

grow vegetables in cedar
grow vegetables in cedar

One question that often comes up when discussing cedar greenhouses is whether it’s safe to grow vegetables in them. It is an important consideration, especially for those who are concerned about organic gardening or want to ensure that their food is as healthy as possible.

Safety of Cedar

Cedar is known for its natural resistance to rot and pests, which is why it’s a popular choice for outdoor structures like greenhouses. The wood contains natural oils that act as preservatives, making it less likely to rot or attract bugs. These oils are generally considered safe and should not harm your vegetables.

Organic Gardening

If you’re an organic gardener, you’ll be pleased to know that cedar is a good choice. It doesn’t require chemical treatments to resist pests and rot, unlike some other types of wood. It makes it a more natural option for your greenhouse.

Food Safety

There is no evidence to suggest that growing vegetables in a cedar greenhouse poses any risks to food safety. The natural oils in cedar are not toxic to humans and should not leach into the soil in amounts that would be harmful to plants or humans.


While cedar is generally safe, it’s always a good idea to line the beds with a layer of plastic or fabric barrier if you’re growing vegetables directly in contact with the wood. It can provide an extra layer of protection and peace of mind.

Cedar Greenhouse Plans

cedar greenhouse plans
cedar greenhouse plans

So, you want to build a cedar greenhouse? Great choice! But first, you need a plan. A plan is like a recipe for building something.

Different Plans for Different Needs

There are many plans out there. Some are simple, and some are fancy, with lots of rooms. Pick a plan that fits your yard and what you want to grow.

Why Planning is Important

Having a plan helps you know what you need to buy and how to build your greenhouse. It stops you from making mistakes that can cost you time and money.

Cedar Field Greenhouses

Did you know cedar wood is not just for small greenhouses? You can use it for big ones, too!

Good for Big Greenhouses

Cedar wood is strong and doesn’t rot easily. That makes it good for big greenhouses that need to be really sturdy.

Why Cedar is Great

Cedarwood has oils that keep bugs away. It means you don’t have to use as many bug sprays, which is better for the planet.

Cedar Greenhouses for Sale

Where to Buy

You can buy cedar greenhouses at garden stores near you. Some big stores like Home Depot or Lowe’s might have them. You can also find them online on websites like Amazon or specialized garden shops.

Price Ranges

Cedar greenhouses are pricey because cedar wood is high-quality. Prices can start from around $500 for smaller models and go up to $5,000 or more for bigger, fancier ones.

So, if you’re thinking of getting a cedar greenhouse, there are lots of places to look. Just remember, you get what you pay for. Cedar might cost a bit more, but it’s worth it!


Picking the right wood for your greenhouse is super important. It affects how long your greenhouse will last and how your plants will grow. Cedar wood is a top pick because it’s strong and keeps bugs away.

If you’re thinking about building a greenhouse, think about using cedar wood. It’s a smart choice for the long run.

FAQs About Cedar Greenhouses

What is a Cedar Greenhouse?

A cedar greenhouse is a special place where you can grow plants. It’s made from cedar wood, which is really strong and good for keeping bugs away.

Why Should I Choose Cedar for My Greenhouse?

Cedar wood is strong and lasts a long time. It also has natural oils that keep bugs away. It means your plants will be safer.

How Long Will a Cedar Greenhouse Last?

If you take good care of it, a cedar greenhouse can last for many years. Cedar wood is strong and doesn’t rot easily.

Is Cedar Safe for Growing Food?

Yes, cedar is safe for growing food like veggies. The natural oils in the wood are not harmful to plants.

What are the Downsides of Using Cedar?

Cedar wood can be more expensive than other types of wood. But it lasts a long time, so you save money in the long run.

Can I Build a Cedar Greenhouse Myself?

Yes, you can! Some plans and kits make it easy to build your cedar greenhouse.

What Should I Grow in My Cedar Greenhouse?

You can grow lots of things! Veggies like tomatoes and herbs like basil do really well. You can also grow flowers.

Do Cedar Greenhouses Need Special Care?

Not really. Just the usual stuff like making sure it’s clean and checking for any damage now and then.

About the author

Seasoned expert with a dedicated interest in greenhouses and sustainable gardening practices. With an extensive background in the greenhouse industry, they have been instrumental in innovating and sharing knowledge on winter gardening and year-round cultivation. Through rigorous experimentation and hands-on experience in greenhouse management, GreenHouseAndCompany has mastered the art of growing a diverse range of plants in varying climatic conditions. Their expertise extends to greenhouse design, construction, and ensuring optimal plant growth through the implementation of sustainable practices.