Balcony Greenhouse for Winter

Balcony Greenhouse for Winter

Winter can be cold and snowy. But you can still enjoy green plants. How? With a balcony greenhouse for winter!

A balcony greenhouse is a small house for your plants on your balcony. It keeps them warm in winter. It’s like a cozy home for them to live in when it’s cold outside.

Having a balcony greenhouse is great. It lets you grow plants all year. Even when it’s cold and snowing outside, your plants stay warm and happy inside.

It’s fun to have a balcony greenhouse for winter. You can see green plants every day. It makes your balcony look pretty. It’s like having a small garden that doesn’t mind the cold.

So, a balcony greenhouse for winter is a good friend for your plants in winter. It keeps them warm and lets them grow. And it gives you a nice green spot to enjoy, even when it’s cold outside! 

Contents show

Best Outdoor Greenhouses for Winter Gardening

Best Outdoor Greenhouses for Winter Gardening
Best Outdoor Greenhouses for Winter Gardening

Here’s what to look for when choosing a balcony greenhouse for winter and a few options that other gardeners love.

Key Features:

Warm Covers:

A greenhouse with double walls or special glazing keeps the warmth in. Polycarbonate panels are good at this and let the sunshine in, too.

Strong Frames:

Frames made from materials like aluminum or steel are strong and can stand up to snow and wind.

Clear Covers:

Covers made of glass or clear plastic let the most sunshine in, which is very important in winter.

Ventilation and Heating:

Good ventilation stops your greenhouse from getting too hot on sunny days. Some space for a small heater can help on really cold days.

Some Top Greenhouses for Winter:

Palram Mythos Greenhouse:

  • This greenhouse has double-wall panels and a rust-free frame, making it a warm and sturdy choice.

Rion EcoGrow 2 Twin Wall Greenhouse:

  • With strong framing and good glazing, this greenhouse is another solid choice for winter gardening.

Grandio Elite Greenhouse:

  • It is a premium choice with a thick frame and special panels that keep the UV rays out while keeping the warmth in.

Juliana Compact Greenhouse:

  • You must be known for its strong frame and tough glass; this greenhouse is built to face the tough winter weather.

Check Reviews:

Before buying, read reviews from other gardeners. They can share how these greenhouses worked for them in winter.

Measure Your Space:

Make sure the greenhouse you pick will fit in your space. Measure your area and check the greenhouse sizes.

Types of Balcony Greenhouses for Winter

Types of Balcony Greenhouses for Winter
Types of Balcony Greenhouses for Winter

 Don’t let winter stop your gardening fun! Balcony greenhouses are here to help. They let you keep gardening even when it’s cold. Let’s explore different types of balcony greenhouses for winter. You can build one yourself or pick a good one from the store. 

Small Balcony Greenhouses:

For those with limited space, small balcony greenhouses are a boon. They allow you to extend your growing season into the colder months. Benefits: 

  • Space-Saving: They don’t need much space but still let you grow lots of plants. 
  • Affordable: Generally, smaller greenhouses are more affordable than larger ones.
  • Easy to Manage: Due to their size, they are easier to manage and maintain.


  • Limited Planting Space: You might be restricted on the number and size of plants you can grow.
  • Temperature Fluctuations: Smaller greenhouses can experience temperature fluctuations more quickly.

Suitable Plants: 

  • Herbs: Basil, parsley, chives, and mint are excellent choices for small greenhouses.
  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and lettuce can thrive in smaller spaces.
  • Flowers: Smaller flowering plants and succulents are also suitable.

DIY Balcony Greenhouses:

Creating your greenhouse can be an engaging and rewarding project. Steps to Build Your Own: 

  • Measure Your Space: Know how much space you have on your balcony. 
  • Choose Materials: Select materials that are durable, transparent, and provide good insulation. Polycarbonate panels or PVC can be good choices.
  • Frame Construction: Build a frame using PVC pipes or aluminum. Ensure it’s sturdy and well-anchored.
  • Cover Installation: Make a strong frame with PVC pipes or aluminum. 
  • Ventilation: Provide adequate ventilation to regulate temperature and humidity.


  • Savings: DIY can be cheaper, especially with low-cost or reused materials. 
  • Customization: Building your own allows for customization to meet your specific needs.

Protecting Balcony Plants in Winter

As the frosty winter breeze sweeps through, your balcony plants might be shivering off their lush green coats. But fret not; with a tad bit of care, you can shield them from the chilly wrath. Here’s your handy guide on keeping those greens warm and snug.

Insulation Techniques:

Your plants need a warm blanket, too well! Here’s how you can insulate them.

  1. Bubble Wrap: This isn’t just for popping; wrap it around your pots to keep the soil warm.
  2. Fleece: A layer of garden fleece can be a soft, warm hug for your plants.
  3. Mulch: A thick layer of mulch on the soil surface can keep the cold at bay.
  4. Insulated Plant Covers: They are like cozy sleeping bags for your plants.

Using Other Materials:

Get creative and use what you have to keep the chill-out.

  1. Old Blankets or Burlap: Wrap them around your pots to add an extra layer of warmth.
  2. Straw or Leaves: Pack them around your plants to trap heat.
  3. Styrofoam: Create a Styrofoam shield around your plants; it’s a great insulator.


Where your plants sit can make a big difference in how warm they stay.

  1. Sunny Spot: Move your plants to where they can soak up the most sun during the day.
  2. Group Together: Put your plants close together to create a microclimate.
  3. Indoor Vacay: Bring them indoors during extremely cold days or nights.
  4. Against the Wall: Place them near walls to get reflected heat and shelter from wind.

Other Warm-up Acts:

  1. Water Wisely: Water your plants with lukewarm water to prevent shocking their roots.
  2. Windbreaks: Install temporary windbreaks to block the cold winds from reaching your plants.

Materials for Winter Greenhouses 

Just like you need a warm coat greenhouse in winter, your balcony greenhouse for winter needs the right cover to keep your plants cozy. The right material will help keep the cold out and let the sun in. Here’s a look at some materials you could choose from for your greenhouse:

Best Materials for Winter Greenhouses:

Polycarbonate Panels:

  • Twin-wall:Imagine a sandwich, but instead of meat or cheese in the middle, there’s air. This design helps to keep the warmth in and is not too expensive.
  • Triple-wall:This one has two layers of air, making it even warmer but a bit more pricey.


  • Single-pane:This is just a single sheet of glass. It’s clear and nice but doesn’t keep the heat in very well.
  • Double-pane:This has two sheets of glass with air in between. It’s better at keeping your plants warm but is heavier and costs more.

Polyethylene Film:

  • Single-layer:This is a thin plastic cover that is easy on the pocket but could be better at keeping the warmth in.
  • Double-layer:With an extra layer, this type keeps the warmth in better but costs a little more.

Comparing the Materials:

Let’s see how these materials stack up against each other in terms of keeping warmth in, lasting a long time, and cost.

Keeping Warmth In:

  • The Warmest:The triple-wall polycarbonate is the warmest, followed by double-pane glass and then double-layer polyethylene.

Lasting a Long Time:

  • The Longest:Glass lasts the longest, followed by polycarbonate. Polyethylene doesn’t last as long because it can get damaged more easily.


  • The Cheapest:The single-layer polyethylene is the cheapest, followed by single-pane glass and single-wall polycarbonate.

Extending to Patio Greenhouses

As the cold winds start to blow, it’s not just the plants on your balcony that shiver but also those on your patio. A patio greenhouse could be a snug home for your greens this winter. Let’s explore the cozy world of patio greenhouses and how they compare to balcony greenhouses.

Patio Greenhouse for Winter: A Warming Abode for Your Plants

A patio greenhouse stands on your patio and creates a warm space for your plants to thrive, even when it’s snowing outside. It’s a haven for both you and your green buddies, where you can sip your morning coffee surrounded by lush greenery.

Benefits and Differences Compared to Balcony Greenhouses:

More Space:

Patio greenhouses usually offer more space compared to balcony greenhouses. You have more room for a variety of plants and even small trees.

Better Sunlight Exposure:

Patios often receive better sunlight compared to balconies, especially if other structures overshadow the balcony.

Ease of Access:

It’s easier to step out onto your patio compared to a balcony, especially if you have a sliding door.

Room for Experimentation:

With more space, you can experiment with different types of plants and greenhouse setups

Selection and Setup: Making the Right Choice

Size Matters:

Choose a size that fits your patio well. You don’t want it to be too big or too small.

Material Selection:

As discussed earlier, materials like polycarbonate and double-pane glass are good for keeping the warmth in.


Position your greenhouse where it receives maximum sunlight.

Tips to Set Up a Patio Greenhouse for Winter:


Insulate your greenhouse well to keep the warmth in. Bubble wrap is an inexpensive insulation option.


If it gets very cold, you might need a greenhouse heater. There are many eco-friendly heaters available.


Ensure there’s proper ventilation to keep the air fresh for your plants, but not too much that the warmth escapes.

Water Storage:

Water barrels can store heat during the day and release it at night, helping to maintain a warm temperature.

Regular Checks:

Regularly check the temperature and adjust your heating or ventilation as needed.

Common Problems in Balcony Greenhouse for Winter

Common Problems in Balcony Greenhouse for Winter
Common Problems in Balcony Greenhouse for Winter

Winter can be a hard time for plants. A balcony greenhouse is like a warm jacket for them. Yet, it can have some troubles when it’s cold. Let’s look at these problems and how to fix them.

Cold and Warm Swings:

  • The temperature in balcony greenhouses can change a lot from day to night.
  • Fix: Use good insulation, heavy materials that keep warmth, and maybe a small heater to keep it warm.

Not Enough Sunlight:

  • The days are shorter in winter, so plants get less sunlight.
  • Fix: Place your greenhouse where it gets lots of sun, and use shiny materials inside to bounce light around.

Too Crowded:

  • There’s little space in balcony greenhouses so that plants can get too close to each other. It can lead to less fresh air between them and sickness spreading.
  • Fix: Trim your plants and keep some space between them for better airflow.

Air Doesn’t Move Much:

  • In trying to keep it warm, we might forget to let fresh air in. It can lead to stale air and mold.
  • Fix: Make sure to open the vents during the day to let fresh air in.

Water Droplets Everywhere:

  • Water droplets can form inside and cause too much dampness, which is good for mold to grow.
  • Fix: Let fresh air in and use materials that soak up moisture to control water droplets.

Bugs Moving In:

  • Bugs might find your warm greenhouse a good place to stay in winter.
  • Fix: Check your plants for bugs often and use safe bug control methods to keep them away.

Watering Woes:

  • Plants in balcony greenhouses might not need much water in winter, but forgetting to water can dry the soil.
  • Fix: Check the soil for moisture and water your plants when needed.

Materials Breaking Down:

  • Cold weather can make some materials like plastic weak, and they might break.
  • Fix: Use strong materials like polycarbonate for your greenhouse, which can handle cold better.

Heating Costs:

  • If it’s very cold, keeping your greenhouse warm can cost a lot.
  • Fix: Use solar heaters and other energy-saving methods to cut down on heating costs.

Growing Plants in Unheated Greenhouses

Let’s see what plants like cold greenhouses and how to keep them snug without turning up the heat!

What Can You Grow?

Not all plants fear the cold. Some even say, “Bring it on!” Here are a few cool pals for your unheated greenhouse:

  1. Kale: This green leafy friend loves a cool spot.
  2. Spinach: Like kale, spinach says, “I’m cool with the cold!”
  3. Carrots: They snuggle in the soil and don’t mind a little chill.
  4. Lettuce: It stays crisp and tasty in the cold.
  5. Peas: They pop up early in the spring, so they are okay with a cold start.
  6. Garlic: It is like a long winter nap in the soil.

How to maintain a balcony greenhouse in winter?

Balcony Greenhouse for Winter
Balcony Greenhouse for Winter

Even cool-loving plants need a little warmth. Here are some ideas to keep your greenhouse warm without a heater:

Catch the Sun:

  • Make sure your greenhouse gets lots of sunlight.
  • Clean the cover so it’s clear and lets all the sunshine in.

Bubble Wrap:

  • Wrap the inside with bubble wrap. It’s like giving your greenhouse a warm coat!

Water Bottles:

  • Fill big bottles with water and place them around. They catch the sun’s warmth and share it with your plants.


  • A big pile of compost makes warmth as it breaks down. It’s like a slow, gentle heater.

Close the Doors and Vents at Night:

  • Keep the cold night air outside by closing up when the sun goes down.

Let the Sun In Early:

  • Open up again when the sun comes up to catch all the warm rays.

Move Your Plants Around:

  • Some spots in your greenhouse might be warmer. Move your plants to the warmest.

How to choose the right size of greenhouse for a balcony?

Choosing the right size of greenhouse for your balcony is like finding a new home for your green buddies.

It’s about making sure there’s enough room for everyone to grow and thrive. Here’s a simple guide to help you find that sweet spot:

Measure Your Space:

  • Balcony Dimensions: Measure the length, width, and height of your balcony to know the space you have.
  • Door and Window Locations: Note where the doors and windows are, as they’ll affect where you can place your greenhouse.

Plan Your Planting:

  • Plant Sizes: Think about the types and sizes of plants you want to grow. Bigger plants need more space.
  • Growing Upwards: Plan for vertical growing if you have tall or climbing plants.

Check the Greenhouse Dimensions:

  • Height, Length, and Width: Look at the dimensions of the greenhouse models you like. Can they fit comfortably on your balcony?
  • Door Opening: Make sure the greenhouse door opens easily without hitting anything.

Leave Some Room:

  • Walking Space: You’ll need space to move around, water your plants, and enjoy your greenhouse.
  • Storage Space: Plan for some room to keep your gardening tools, pots, and soil.

Consider Modular or Expandable Greenhouses:

  • Grow With Your Green: Some greenhouses can be expanded or connected as your plant family grows.


  • Picture It: Visualize the greenhouse on your balcony. Does it feel too big or too small? Is there enough light coming in?

Check Reviews and Photos:

  • Real-Life Examples: Look for reviews or photos from other people who have the same greenhouse on a similar size balcony.

Ask for Advice:

  • Gardening Communities: Join local or online gardening communities and ask others for their advice and experiences.

Think Long-Term:

  • Future Plans: If you plan to move or expand your gardening, consider how easy it is to move or disassemble the greenhouse.

Balcony greenhouse for winter: transform your balcony or patio into a thriving green space this winter. The cozy, lush ambiance of a greenhouse is an invitation to a healthier, happier, and greener lifestyle. So, why wait? Venture into the heartwarming world of winter gardening and let your love for plants bloom amidst the snowflakes.

FAQs: Balcony Greenhouse for Winter

What is a balcony greenhouse?

A balcony greenhouse is a small greenhouse structure that fits on a balcony. It lets you grow plants during winter when it’s too cold outside for them.

Why should I consider having a balcony greenhouse for winter?

Having a balcony greenhouse lets you grow fresh plants all year, even when it’s cold. It’s a fun way to garden in a small space.

Can I build my balcony greenhouse for winter?

Yes, you can! A DIY balcony greenhouse can be a fun project. You’ll need some materials like plastic or glass panels and a frame. There are many guides available to help you build it.

What can I grow in an unheated greenhouse in winter?

You can grow cool-season plants like kale, spinach, and lettuce. They don’t need as much warmth as other plants.

How can I protect my balcony plants in winter?

You can protect them by keeping them in a greenhouse, covering them with fleece or plastic, and making sure they get enough sunlight.

What is the best material for a greenhouse in winter?

Materials like polycarbonate or glass are good for keeping warmth inside your greenhouse. They also let lots of sunlight in for your plants.

How can I find the best balcony greenhouse for me?

Look for a greenhouse that fits your space, has good reviews, and comes with the features you want, like shelves or vents.

Can I have a greenhouse on my patio, too?

Yes, a patio greenhouse is similar to a balcony greenhouse but might be bigger. It’s a great way to garden a greenhouse in winter if you have more space.

How do I keep my balcony greenhouse warm during winter?

Use insulation, place it where it gets lots of sunlight, and consider using a small heater if it gets very cold.

About the author

Seasoned expert with a dedicated interest in greenhouses and sustainable gardening practices. With an extensive background in the greenhouse industry, they have been instrumental in innovating and sharing knowledge on winter gardening and year-round cultivation. Through rigorous experimentation and hands-on experience in greenhouse management, GreenHouseAndCompany has mastered the art of growing a diverse range of plants in varying climatic conditions. Their expertise extends to greenhouse design, construction, and ensuring optimal plant growth through the implementation of sustainable practices.